Our Priority. As always, the care and safety of our patients, staff, and communities is Northern Counties Health Care’s (NCHC’s) top priority. The COVID-19 pandemic is a state and national emergency. Our organization has emergency procedures designed to maximize our ability to respond to patient health needs while protecting staff so that we can continue to offer necessary medical services.
Calling First is the Key. Calling us first is crucial to maintaining a safe environment for patients and staff. Please call the site where you normally receive your care if you have questions or concerns about your health or care.
Caledonia Home Health Care & Hospice: 802.748.8116, (800)924.8116
Concord Health Center: 802.695.2512, (800) 339.0799
Danville Health Center: 802.684.2275, (800) 489.2275
Hardwick Area Health Center: 802.472.3300, (800) 339.0740
Island Pond Health & Dental Center: 802.723.4300, (800) 339.0227
St. Johnsbury Community Health Center: 802.748.5041
What We’re Doing. As NCHC continues to work to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we continue to provide compassionate care! NCHC is actively working to ensure that our patients, employees and communities are cared for and stay safe.
- NCHC has switched all appointments to telehealth visits when possible. This will be done through either a phone call or through a video conferencing tool called Zoom with your Home Health or Primary Care Provider.
- Essential Face to Face visits will still be held for Home Health, Primary Care and emergent Dental appointments.
- NCHC is working to evaluate patients with fever and respiratory symptoms in their vehicles to further evaluate them for COVID-19.
- Upon entering an NCHC site, whether an employee or a patient, your temperature will be taken. This has been done in order to prevent against the spread of transmission.
Reminder to Protect Yourself. If you have come in contact with a patient who has tested positive for COVID-19 or are experiencing fever, cough, or shortness of breath please consider yourself positive as well and stay home. If you need to be in public for any reason, please do not forget to practice social distancing by staying six to eight feet apart. If your symptoms become severe, please call your Primary Care Provider. Continue to take action to help stop the spread of germs by washing your hands, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth as well as cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.
We Are Here to Help. NCHC wants to help our patients meet basic needs during this difficult time. Please call 748-9405, x1042 to talk to a Community Resource Coordinator or go to www.nchcvt.org and click Resource Help to fill out a web form.
This is a rapidly changing situation. Please expect updates to be posted on our website, www.nchcvt.org and on our Facebook page.