A wise person once said, “No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.”
We appreciate your interest in offering your time and service to assist in our Mission of providing quality healthcare to all members of the communities that we serve. Neighbors helping neighbors creates stronger and healthier communities.
We have a formal volunteer program through our Hospice program at Caledonia Home Health Care & Hospice. Hospice volunteers are an important part of the team – helping to provide comfort, choice, hope and connection to patients and their families. They are a part of helping families focus on what truly matters—their loved ones’ needs and wishes.
As a volunteer with Hospice, you might run errands, assist with household/yard tasks, write letters, play music, provide companionship, read to patients, or just listen. Some volunteers provide bereavement support. For individuals who are more interested in being behind the scenes, you can bake for Sweet Relief, deliver meals, assist with assembling mailings, fundraising, or other administrative tasks. We have many opportunities and are happy to talk with you further about your interests.
We thank our Hospice volunteers for the important and thoughtful contributions they make to our patients and their families.
If you are interested in learning more about Hospice volunteer opportunities, please contact Ann Hockridge at annh@nchcvt.org or call (802) 748-8116 ext. 1146.
Do you have a special skill to share?
Beyond Hospice volunteering, NCHC needs volunteers for special events, community outreach, and office assistance.