If you already have a prescription through the Community Health Pharmacy, click here to go to the website to reorder or call (888) 669-9017.
Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. (NCHC) is one of the five Vermont community health center owners of the Community Health Pharmacy.
The Community Health Pharmacy offers a full range of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications for all NCHC patients.
By using the Community Health Pharmacy to fill your prescriptions, NCHC patients can save significant money on most brand name and generic medications as well as enjoy the convenience of free home delivery. Also, by filling your prescriptions with the Community Health Pharmacy, you will be supporting the Mission and Vision of our health centers to deliver quality medical care to our community. NCHC and the Community Health Pharmacy offer the following:
- Convenient home delivery of all medications at no extra charge.
- Next day delivery on most medications.
- Reduced costs for uninsured patients on many medications.
- 90 day supplies available for maintenance prescriptions.
- Acceptance of most major insurances, including Medicaid and Medicare D.
Getting Started:
Option 1:
Speak with your provider during your visit, and ask to have your prescriptions sent directly to the Community Health Pharmacy. Then pick up a Patient Order/Prescription Fax Form* at any Northern Counties Health Care Center or download the registration form at the Community Health Pharmacy’s website here and mail or fax it to:
Community Health Pharmacy
158 Brentwood Drive, Suite 7
Colchester, VT 05446.
Toll Free Fax: (877) 899-2622
Toll Free Phone: (888) 669-9017
*The form says that it “can only be submitted by your doctor to ensure only faxed prescriptions that are authorized by your prescriber are accepted.” The Community Health Pharmacy will accept the Patient Information portion (sections 1, 2 and 3) directly from you. Your provider will have to provide the specific prescription.
Option 2:
Stop at the front desk at your Northern Counties Health Care Center after your appointment to fill out a registration form and to arrange for prescriptions to be transferred.
If you already have a prescription through the Community Health Pharmacy, click here to go to the website to reorder.
As a patient of one of our Health Centers, you are eligible to receive discounts on many prescription medicines from participating pharmacies. To renew other prescriptions, or to find out more about participating pharmacies, please call your NCHC Health Center at one of the numbers listed below.
- Concord Health Center (Behavioral Health & Medical): (802) 695-2512
- Danville Health Center (Behavioral Health & Medical): (802) 684-2275
- Hardwick Area Health Center (Behavioral Health & Medical): (802) 472-3300
- Island Pond Health & Dental Center (Behavioral Health, Dental & Medical): (802) 723-4300
- Northern Counties Dental Center (Dental Only): (802) 472-2260
- Orleans Dental Center (Dental Only): (802) 754-6973
- St. Johnsbury Community Health Center (Behavioral Health & Medical): (802) 748-5041
NCHC is proud to be able to offer a Sliding-Scale Pharmaceutical Discount for all prescriptions to our uninsured patients who qualify. For more information, please contact your NCHC Health Center.