We Are Still Here for You!
Northern Counties Health Care (NCHC) continues to work to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus while we work to continue providing compassionate care to the communities we serve!
Here are a few tips that YOU can do to combat the spread of COVID-19:
Stay Home
Governor Scott said to Stay Home, Stay Safe. Please only leave your home for essential trips.
Physical Distancing
Practice physical distancing of six to eight feet but please don’t forget to stay socially connected.
Call First
Watch for fever, coughing and shortness of breath; if you are experiencing symptoms, the first and crucial step is to call your health care provider.
Caledonia Home Health Care & Hospice: 802.748.8116, (800)924.8116
Concord Health Center: 802.695.2512, (800) 339.0799
Danville Health Center: 802.684.2275, (800) 489.2275
Hardwick Area Health Center: 802.472.3300, (800) 339.0740
Island Pond Health & Dental Center: 802.723.4300, (800) 339.0227
St. Johnsbury Community Health Center: 802.748.5041
Dental Emergencies: 802.754.6973
This is a rapidly changing situation. Please expect updates to be posted on our website, www.nchcvt.org and on our Facebook page.