Northern Counties Health Care (NCHC) has purchased the former Caplan’s Army Store building in downtown St. Johnsbury, making another investment in the communities it serves.
Michael Costa, NCHC CEO, stated, “We believe in downtown St. Johnsbury, which looks and feels more vibrant each and every day. This investment will put Northern Counties in a better position to respond to community needs in the future. Northern Counties truly believes that prosperous downtowns, villages, and communities help people stay healthy and thrive, which is why our organization is investing in projects throughout the NEK.”
The organization has not yet decided how to use the 3,500 square foot building. NCHC Chief Strategy Officer Chris Towne said, “NCHC’s Board of Directors and management team will seek community input prior to determining how to use this space. We will examine the local needs and be strategic in our ultimate plan for the building. In the meantime, there may be creative ways for other groups or organizations to use the space on a short term basis.” Aside from some minor work to prep the space for future uses, NCHC expects to seek input and finalize a plan in 2022.
Michael Costa said, “The Caplan’s building has been an iconic space in St. Johnsbury for 75 years, and we hope to use the space in service of our community for at least the next 75 years.”